Monday, November 24, 2008

Last Week

On November 12 I observed:

Lots of arcella - I'm not sure why but I saw more of these than anything else. Attached to some of these were diatoms taking a free ride.

Centropyxis - I saw a few of these, they look very similar to the arcella but instead of being perfectly round they had distinct spines. Below is a picture

Peranema - these have a cylindrical boy that tapers in front and truncates at the rear and has a single, long, unusually thick flagella that rotates at its tip.

Rotifers - very few compared to past observations

Litonotus- I saw a few of these, they are flask shaped, And I was able to capture its vacuole opening and closing. It is sort of hard to see with this small a video, but if you look at the back of the litonotus you can see a small hole that will open then close.

Although I did not mention this earlier but everything I identified during this experiment appeared to be mobile.

This being the last week of observations I can clearly see that this last weeks amount of organisms is very similar to the amount of organisms of the first weeks observations. The few weeks in between there was a huge spike in the amount of organisms because of the food pellet that was added. More food means the more life the aquarium could maintain but once the food supply diminished so did the organisms.

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