Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Week 2

On October 22, I observed:

  • About 6 Annelids which are very large in comparison to any other organisms found in my microaquarium. They have a bunch of setae which help the move around.
  • About 5 Nematodes. These creatures are transparent with serpentine bodies and have a whiplike wriggly movement.
  • lots of Rotifers. I would say overall I have seen more rotifers than anything else. They have a layer of chitin which can collapse giving them an inchworm appearance.
  • 2 Cyclops. This organsim has a red eye on the top of its head. It also has a really fast movement almost like a flea.
  • 1 Difflugia. It was perfectly round with slimy legs reaching in and out of its body. It moved hardly at all.
None of these organisms seem to be favoring a particular area. They are just hanging out wherever they can get food I suppose.

I was able to identify all these organisms using the book Guide to Microlife.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

First Week Observations

On October 14 I added water from source 1 and put plants A and B into my microaquarium.

I saw:

a couple of rotifers
some thin long worms that were constantly wiggling
oval looking worms that were constantly spinning
oval looking worms with lots of things in its body(maybe food)

Overall not too much going on at this point. I probably saw a total of 10 to 15 organisms moving around